Journal Entry, August, 2021

What is it to burn with creativity? To feel embers glow, then spark, then flame. To be so consumed by a creative idea it hurts to keep it inside. So that when you go to bed at night and dream of it, you wake warmed by its force.

I feel that way now, with this, the Mountain Woman section of my “A Wild Soul Woman” book. I have so many other things demanding my attention. Yet the power of her being erodes my resistance. Busy and distracted as I am, I keep tending the fire, keep adding kindling, keep taking notes, keep reading and thinking and journaling.

Mountain Woman will erupt. It is her way.

Mountain Woman is one of five feminine Earth Archetypes I explore in my forthcoming book, “A Wild Soul Woman: A Journey into Your Untamed, Unashamed, Unstoppable Self.”

Writing about Mountain Woman was an amazing experience. I felt her inside of me as an energy, as a creative force, as a need to fully embrace my own voice.

Whatever you want to birth into the world—a new creative project, an idea, a business— your most authentic self—Mountain Woman is your ally. She seethes with creative fire, exhibiting as a powerful, passionate urge to bring forth and make real that which is inside you.

Please join me for a five-week online writing series: Awakening to the Mountain Woman Archetype.

This journey will not be straightforward. Mountain Woman will take you into the fractured places and the places of your resistance. She’ll have you examine your relationship to personal power and what threatens to stop you manifesting your dreams. In the process, you’ll explore your bedrock values and essential self.

If you’ve ever climbed a mountain, you know how vulnerable you are above the tree line. When you reach for a dream, you will likely also feel exposed and afraid. At times you might want to hide in a cave or flee to the safety of the valley below.

And yet, when you find a challenge that is yours to take on—then you will know it. It will inhabit your dreams and your days. And if at times your focus lags, as a mountain can disappear beneath a veil of mist, you will still feel its presence.

Whenever I am about to teach, give a talk, or write, and I feel that familiar twinge of self-doubt, I imagine standing by Mount Shasta, a 10,000 ft volcano I summited more than two decades ago. She is a deceptive mountain, soft and sensuous, but dangerous and unpredictable too, with crevasses that can swallow you whole. As I picture her in my mind, I feel myself become her, a goddess in my own right.

I wonder: Is this what we fear most: honoring the divine within us? The capacity for greatness, for having an impact, for shaping and co-creating with the universe? Who me? we ask, Who am I to make a difference?

And Mountain Woman responds: Who are you not to?

Awakening to the Mountain Woman Archetype, an online writing course starting, October 9. To find our more and to register, please click here.


